Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom covers the mid-western region of Uganda. It comprises four districts of Hoima, Kibaale, Buliisa and Masindi. It borders with Gulu and Apac in the North, Mubende, Kyenjojo, Kabarole and Bundibugyo in the South, Kiboga and Nakasongola in the East and Lake Albert in the West. The region covers a total area of 18,578.2sq Km, while 3,241.47sq. Km is covered by water bodies.
The total population of the Kingdom is about 1.4 million people comprising 49% males and 51% females. It has got a growth rate of 6.1%. The Kingdom has got 256,458 households of which over 96% are rural. It has a total fertility rate of 7 and life expectancy of 46.4 years. The infant mortality rate is 102/1,000 while the maternal mortality rate is 525/100,000 live birth. Teenage pregnancy is 16% adolescent deliveries 29% and high risk at birth is 29.8%. Nurse/Midwife mother ratio is 1:4518.
The population is heterogeneous in nature having about 56 ethnic groups and 52 clans. Only 1.12% of the total population use Electricity for lighting and most of these are in urban centres. The biggest proportion of the population (99.42%) uses wood fuel for lighting and cooking.
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